Leaking Vapes: Causes & Fixes

Leaking is something everyone will run into sooner or later when they vape. Still, that doesn’t make it any less annoying! Leaks can occur for many different reasons, but there’s a few which vapers tend to experience the most. Understanding what causes these leaks can help you know what you should try and check first…

Most Common Causes

  • Air Pressure- This is by far the most common reason behind leaks. As you vape, air takes up the space previously used by your e-Liquid. What ends up happening, especially when the tank is below half full, is that this new air pocket expands and contracts with temperature changes. As the air expands, such as when going from a cold environment to a warmer one, the pressure increases and causes the e-Liquid to over-saturate the coil and then overflow through the chimney and air vents. A simple solution is to make sure the tank is upside down when going to a warmer place so the air can expand and exit through the air vents instead of pushing the e-Liquid out.
    • This issue also occurs very frequently when travelling by air. Air pressure in the tank drops as the airplane takes off and increases as it descends, almost always leading to significant leaks. The best solution to this problem is to empty tanks prior to travel (Putting them in a plastic bag for extra protection is a good idea too!).
    • Don’t forget that even slight changes in elevation can mean changes in the air pressure. Many people are surprised when they take a trip to the mountains and find that their vape has been leaking the entire time they’ve been travelling! Be sure you remember to empty your tank whenever you’re going to a place with different air pressure.
  • Filling/Draw Problems- Leaks can also occur due to issues with filling the tank or how you draw on the vape. For instance:
    • Pouring your e-Liquid down your chimney instead of the fill port will get your chimney, coil, and air flow slots filled with e-Liquid.
    • Drawing too hard and fast on your vape will “flood” the coil with too much e-Liquid, resulting in leaks.
    • Not properly closing your fill port will let air into the tank and cause air bubbles.

Luckily, these mistakes are easy to avoid as you continue to get more experience! 

  • Worn/Broken Parts- It could be that your leaks are being caused by worn out or broken parts. There’s a few parts in particular which could be failing you, such as: 
    • Your O-ring, which fails to maintain its seal as it wears out. Thankfully, most vapes come with extras for this reason.
    • Your coil, which struggles to soak up e-Liquid as it gets worn. Aside from replacing it with a new one, double-check to make sure it’s properly threaded as well. 
    • Your tank, which may have cracks or fractures that cause leaks. Much like with the other parts, you’ll just need to get a new, non-cracked replacement.

We carry most of these parts both online and in store should you need to make any replacements!

Other Possible Causes 

These causes aren’t as common as the previous ones, but they still could cause your vape to leak. These include: 

  • Overdripping- This can be an issue if you use an RDA. Your RDA can only hold as much e-Liquid as the cotton can absorb. Any more will leak from the air holes or out the top. Make sure you keep an eye on how much e-Liquid you drip at a time to avoid this!
  • PG/VG Mix- Your e-Liquid’s PG/VG mix is an important part of your vaping experience. It could also potentially be causing your leaks. While it’s a bit of a complicated science, our knowledgeable team can help you find a good mix either in store or through our online chat!

Hopefully, this troubleshooting guide can help you fix your leaks and get back to vaping. If you experience any issues with one of our products, leaking or otherwise, be sure to drop by in-store or give us a call on our Guest Support Hotline at (704) 696-8907.

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